On Thursday, September 28, 2023, during the General Assembly of members, the new Board of Directors of the ARILOG Association was voted for the mandate 2023 - 2025.

According to article 5.5 of the ARILOG statute, the Board of Directors can be composed of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 13 members. Given that 13 candidates were registered for these elections, the members of the General Assembly voted by majority that all candidates be part of the Board of Directors for the term 2023 - 2025.


After the Assembly meeting, the elected members met in the first board meeting to determine the President. With unanimity of votes, the board members decided that Paul Niță - General Manager, ID Logistics, should continue his work as President for another mandate. The other members of the board will have the position of Vice-Presidents.

During this period the board members establish the strategic directions of action and development for the association, continuing projects with tradition and developing new ones for the common good of the industry.

Congratulations to all and keep up the good work!

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